California How Do I Ask the Court to Renew my Restraining Order is a process that must be completed if a person wishes to extend an existing restraining order beyond its current expiration date. Depending on the type of restraining order, the process may vary slightly. Generally speaking, however, the individual must file a motion to renew the order with the court where the original restraining order was issued. The motion should include the reasons why the restraining order should be renewed, such as the continued presence of safety risks for the individual protected by the order. It is important to include relevant evidence in support of the motion. There are two main types of restraining orders in California: domestic violence restraining orders (DVRs) and civil harassment restraining orders (Chris). DVRs are used to protect people from an abuser with whom they have a close relationship, such as a current or former intimate partner or family member. Chris are used to protect people from individuals with whom they have no close relationship, such as a neighbor, co-worker, or acquaintance. The process for renewing a restraining order differs depending on whether it is a DVR or a CCRO.