The California Request for Exemption from Mandatory Electronic Filing and Service is a document that allows certain individuals in the state of California to be exempt from the requirement of filing and serving documents electronically. This document is used by individuals who are not able to access or use electronic filing or service methods. These individuals may include those who lack access to electronic services, are physically or mentally disabled, or lack the financial resources to access electronic services. There are two types of California Request for Exemption from Mandatory Electronic Filing and Service: Request for Exemption and Application for Exemption. The Request for Exemption may be used by a party who is unable to comply with the mandatory electronic filing and service requirements due to a lack of access or resources. The Application for Exemption may be used when a party is unable to comply due to a physical or mental disability. The California Request for Exemption from Mandatory Electronic Filing and Service must be filed with the court and include a statement of the specific reasons why the filer is requesting an exemption from the mandatory electronic filing and service requirements. The document also must include a description of the steps the filer has taken to try to comply with the electronic filing and service requirements. The filer must also provide proof of their disability or lack of resources, if applicable. If the court grants the request, the filer may proceed to file and serve documents in the traditional paper format.