The California Certification Of Domestic Support Obligation (CC DSO) is a document used by the California State Department of Child Support Services to officially recognize and record the existence of a legally-enforceable domestic support obligation. This document serves as proof of the existence of a support obligation, and is used for the collection, enforcement, and review of all domestic support orders. It also serves to protect the rights of both the mayor and recipient of support payments. The CC DSO includes various types of domestic support obligations, such as child support, spousal support, medical support, and specialized payments. It is issued by the court, or a local child support agency, and contains information about the mayor, recipient, amount of support, and the duration of the support order. Once the CC DSO is issued, it is registered with the California Department of Child Support Services, and is periodically reviewed to ensure compliance with the support order. The California Certification Of Domestic Support Obligation is an important document for enforcing and collecting domestic support payments, and is critical to ensuring that the rights of both the mayor and recipient of support are protected.