California Ex Parte Hearing Notice Information is the information that must be included in any legal notice sent to the other party in an ex parte hearing. Ex parte hearings are court proceedings in which only one side of the dispute is present. This type of notice must provide the other party with enough information to prepare for the hearing and to make an informed decision on how to proceed. There are three types of California Ex Parte Hearing Notice Information. The first type is the Notice of Ex Parte Hearing and its contents, which must include the date, time, and location of the hearing, the name of the court, the case name and number, and a brief description of the request being made. The second type is the Notice of Time and Place, which must include the same information as the Notice of Ex Parte Hearing, but must also include a statement that the other party may object to the request. The third type is the Notice of Objection, which must include a description of the objection made by the other party and must include a statement that the other party may submit written opposition to the request.