A California Court Ordered Psychological-Psychiatric Evaluation or Mental Health Assessment-for Parent(s) is a comprehensive assessment of a parent’s mental health and functioning. It is conducted by a qualified mental health professional and conducted following a court order. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide the court with an expert opinion on the parent’s psychological functioning as it relates to the parent’s legal case. The evaluation includes a review of the parent’s medical records, psychological tests such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMP), various interviews, and other clinical observations. The evaluation can help the court understand the parent’s mental health status and how it may impact the parent’s ability to provide for, or interact with, their child or children. There are two types of California Court Ordered Psychological-Psychiatric Evaluations or Mental Health Assessments-for Parent(s): the Custody Evaluation and the Parent Evaluation. The Custody Evaluation is an evaluation of both parents that includes an assessment of the parent-child relationship, parenting skills, and mental health of both parents. The Parent Evaluation is an evaluation of a single parent and is specifically designed to assess the parent’s mental health and parenting abilities.