California Joint Case Management Statement And Order is a document used in California courts to manage the progress of a case. It outlines the specific steps the parties involved must take in order to bring the case to a conclusion. This document may be issued by a judge, or it may be submitted by the parties involved in the case. The California Joint Case Management Statement And Order typically includes the following: 1. The case caption (case number, court, parties, etc.) 2. The names of the attorneys representing each side. 3. A statement of the issues in dispute. 4. A timeline for the completion of discovery. 5. A timeline for the filing of motions. 6. A timeline for the filing of trial briefs. 7. Deadlines for filing any additional documents. 8. An order for the parties to appear for a Case Management Conference. There are two main types of California Joint Case Management Statement And Order: Pre-Trial Case Management Statement And Order and Post-Trial Case Management Statement And Order. A Pre-Trial Case Management Statement And Order is issued before the trial begins and outlines the steps parties must take before the trial begins. A Post-Trial Case Management Statement And Order is issued after the trial has been completed and outlines the steps parties must take in order to bring the case to a conclusion.