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Explain the Situation Tell your tenant in straightforward terms what the problem is, and explain that they cannot stay on the property any longer. Describe the Consequences Calmly explain that they will be evicted with necessary court orders if they remain on the property.
A revenge or retaliatory eviction is when a landlord tries to evict a tenant because they ask for repairs or complain about poor conditions. You're at risk if you are an assured shorthold tenant.If you have these types of tenancy, your landlord must prove to the court that there's a legal reason to evict you.
Write a letter to your landlord stating that you are aware of your rights as a tenant, that s/he is in clear violation of the law, and that you want the situation remedied with no further harassment. Keep a copy of the letter; it will be good evidence if you have to take the landlord to court later.
If you're seeking damages for emotional distress caused by a landlord's discrimination, or punitive damages for especially blatant and intentional discrimination, a lawsuit may well be your best bet. Understand what's involved in suing your landlord. You may file a lawsuit in either federal or state court.
Addresses. Date. Tenant names. Status and date of the lease. Why the eviction notice is served (clear and concise explanation) Date tenant must vacate the property. Proof of service or delivery of notice.
Harassment and illegal evictions. It's a crime for your landlord to harass you or try to force you out of a property without using proper procedures. If this happens, you may have a right to claim damages through the court.
A landlord cannot legally evict you without a court order, whether or not you have a lease.) How long does it take for a landlord to evict a tenant? A landlord can evict a tenant only by going through a formal eviction proceeding, which can take a few weeks from start to finish.