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This document is a Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form used in Colorado to outline a person's medical treatment preferences, particularly at the end of life. It includes instructions for healthcare professionals regarding CPR, medical interventions, antibiotics, artificial nutrition and hydration, and the process for maintaining patient dignity and respect. The document must be signed by a healthcare professional and can be discussed with various parties involved in the patient's care. It ensures that the treatment preferences align with the patient's wishes and must be reviewed regularly.

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Scope Form Blank FAQ

Minimum of 18 years of age. Physically and mentally able to communicate your own decisions. Document signed by 2 competent adult witnesses. Cannot be your doctor or healthcare facility employee. Cannot be a beneficiary of your estate. Cannot be a creditor of your estate.

MOLST is a form that contains directions about CPR and other life-sustaining treatments specific to your current condition. To be valid, a MOLST form must be signed and dated by a licensed Maryland medical provider a physician, nurse practitioner or physician's assistant.

A MOST form is a doctor's order that helps you keep control over medical care at the end of life. Like a Do Not Resuscitate order (DNR), the form tells emergency medical personnel and other health care providers whether or not to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the event of a medical emergency.

An advance directive is meant to help you plan ahead and let others know what kind of care you want. It is used to guide your loved ones and health care team in making clear decisions about your health care if you can't make medical decisions by yourself.

The Colorado do not resuscitate order form (DNR), also known as a 'CPR Directive', is a document supporting the request made by a Colorado citizen stating that they do not wish to receive any resuscitation procedures by a medical professional if they are dying.

The Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form is a 1-page, 2-sided document that consolidates and summarizes patient preferences for key life-sustaining treatments: CPR, medical interventions and artificially administered nutrition. The program was established by legislation (C.R.S. 18.7) in Colorado in 2010.

The name and contact information of your healthcare agent/proxy. Answers to specific questions about your preferences for care if you become unable to speak for yourself. Names and signatures of individuals who witness your signing your advance directive, if required.

The name and contact information of your healthcare agent/proxy. Answers to specific questions about your preferences for care if you become unable to speak for yourself. Names and signatures of individuals who witness your signing your advance directive, if required.

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