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The greater number of documents you have to prepare - the more worried you get. You can find a huge number of Colorado Satisfaction, Release or Cancellation of Deed of Trust by Individual templates online, still, you don't know which ones to trust. Eliminate the headache and make getting exemplars more straightforward using US Legal Forms. Get skillfully drafted forms that are composed to go with the state requirements.
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In real estate parlance, the party conveying property is called the grantor. The party receiving the property is the grantee. Either party can be an individual, a business entity, or a partnership. The contract between the grantor and grantee establishes the terms of transfer between the parties.
With a deed of trust, you temporarily give control of the title to your property to the lender for security purposes. Once you pay off the debt, the lender conveys that temporary control back to you.
A Release of Deed of Trust is a document signed and executed by the current beneficiary of a Deed of Trust. The release form is submitted to the Public Trustee's Office in the county in which the property is located.
The deed can be re-written to reflect changes, but it needs the consent of both parties. If you want to make substantial changes to the deed, it's typically best to get a new one written. If changes are only minor, you can enter a deed of variation.
In order to clear the Deed of Trust from the title to the property, a Deed of Reconveyance must be recorded with the Country Recorder or Recorder of Deeds. If the Trustee/Beneficiary fails to record a satisfaction within the set time limits, the Trustee/Beneficiary may be responsible for damages as set out by statute.
A deed of release literally releases the parties to a deal from previous obligations, such as payments under the term of a mortgage because the loan has been paid off. The lender holds the title to real property until the mortgage's terms have been satisfied when a deed of release is commonly entered into.
Assignments Generally: Lenders, or holders of mortgages or deeds of trust, often assign mortgages or deeds of trust to other lenders, or third parties. When this is done the assignee (person who received the assignment) steps into the place of the original lender or assignor. To effectuate an assignment, the general rules is that the assignment must be in proper written format and recorded to provide notice of the assignment.
Satisfactions Generally: Once a mortgage or deed of trust is paid, the holder of the mortgage is required to satisfy the mortgage or deed of trust of record to show that the mortgage or deed of trust is no longer a lien on the property. The general rule is that the satisfaction must be in proper written format and recorded to provide notice of the satisfaction. If the lender fails to record a satisfaction within set time limits, the lender may be responsible for damages set by statute for failure to timely cancel the lien. Depending on your state, a satisfaction may be called a Satisfaction, Cancellation, or Reconveyance. Some states still recognize marginal satisfaction but this is slowly being phased out. A marginal satisfaction is where the holder of the mortgage physically goes to the recording office and enters a satisfaction on the face of the the recorded mortgage, which is attested by the clerk.
Colorado Law
Assignment: It is recommended that an assignment be in writing and recorded.
Demand to Satisfy: None required.
Recording Satisfaction: Upon full payoff and receipt from debtor of the reasonable costs of recording (and within 90 days thereof), the creditor or holder of the debt shall record with the appropriate clerk and recorder the documents necessary to release or satisfy the lien of record or, in the case of an indebtedness secured by a deed of trust to a public trustee, file with the public trustee the documents required for a release as prescribed by section 38-39-102, whereupon immediately upon execution of the release of the lien of deed of trust by the public trustee, the public trustee shall cause such release to be recorded in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the property described in such release is located.
Marginal Satisfaction: Not allowed.
Penalty: Any creditor who fails to timely comply with the obligations of recording satisfaction shall be liable to the owner of the real property encumbered by such indebtedness.
Acknowledgment: An assignment or satisfaction must contain a proper Colorado acknowledgment, or other acknowledgment approved by Statute.
Colorado Statutes
38-35-124--Requirements upon satisfaction of indebtedness.
Except as provided in articles 22 and 23 of this title, when all indebtedness, whether absolute or contingent, secured by a lien on real property has been satisfied, unless the debtor requests in writing that the lien not be released, the creditor or holder of the indebtedness shall, within ninety days after the satisfaction of the indebtedness and receipt from the debtor of the reasonable costs of procuring and recording the release documents, record with the appropriate clerk and recorder the documents necessary to release or satisfy the lien of record or, in the case of an indebtedness secured by a deed of trust to a public trustee, file with the public trustee the documents required for a release as prescribed by section 38-39-102. If the debtor requests in writing that the lien be released, or fails to request in writing that the lien not be released, then the debtor's request or the actual release shall cancel any obligations on the part of the creditor or holder to make any further loan or advance that would be secured by the lien. If the person satisfying the indebtedness requests in writing delivery to him or her of the cancelled instruments of indebtedness at the time of satisfaction, the creditor or holder shall be relieved of any further obligation or liability under this section after such delivery has been completed. Upon satisfaction of the indebtedness, the creditor or holder shall return to the person satisfying the indebtedness all papers and personal property of the debtor that have been held by the creditor or holder in connection with the indebtedness. Any creditor or holder who fails to comply with this section shall be liable to the owner of the real property encumbered by such indebtedness and to any other person liable on such indebtedness for all actual economic loss incurred enforcing the rights provided under this section, including reasonable attorney fees and costs.
38-39-102--When deed of trust shall be released - definitions.
(1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of this section, a deed of trust to the public trustee, upon compliance with the provisions of the deed of trust, shall be released by the public trustee upon the:38-39-104 Satisfaction of mortgage.
The lien of any mortgage encumbering property within the state of Colorado can be released only by the mortgagee executing a separate instrument of release executed under the formalities prescribed by the law regulating conveyances. All releases made prior to July 1, 1973, either on the mortgage or on the record of the mortgage, and signed by the mortgagee, shall have the same effect as a separate instrument of release legally executed by the mortgagee.
Assignments Generally: Lenders, or holders of mortgages or deeds of trust, often assign mortgages or deeds of trust to other lenders, or third parties. When this is done the assignee (person who received the assignment) steps into the place of the original lender or assignor. To effectuate an assignment, the general rules is that the assignment must be in proper written format and recorded to provide notice of the assignment.
Satisfactions Generally: Once a mortgage or deed of trust is paid, the holder of the mortgage is required to satisfy the mortgage or deed of trust of record to show that the mortgage or deed of trust is no longer a lien on the property. The general rule is that the satisfaction must be in proper written format and recorded to provide notice of the satisfaction. If the lender fails to record a satisfaction within set time limits, the lender may be responsible for damages set by statute for failure to timely cancel the lien. Depending on your state, a satisfaction may be called a Satisfaction, Cancellation, or Reconveyance. Some states still recognize marginal satisfaction but this is slowly being phased out. A marginal satisfaction is where the holder of the mortgage physically goes to the recording office and enters a satisfaction on the face of the the recorded mortgage, which is attested by the clerk.
Colorado Law
Assignment: It is recommended that an assignment be in writing and recorded.
Demand to Satisfy: None required.
Recording Satisfaction: Upon full payoff and receipt from debtor of the reasonable costs of recording (and within 90 days thereof), the creditor or holder of the debt shall record with the appropriate clerk and recorder the documents necessary to release or satisfy the lien of record or, in the case of an indebtedness secured by a deed of trust to a public trustee, file with the public trustee the documents required for a release as prescribed by section 38-39-102, whereupon immediately upon execution of the release of the lien of deed of trust by the public trustee, the public trustee shall cause such release to be recorded in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county in which the property described in such release is located.
Marginal Satisfaction: Not allowed.
Penalty: Any creditor who fails to timely comply with the obligations of recording satisfaction shall be liable to the owner of the real property encumbered by such indebtedness.
Acknowledgment: An assignment or satisfaction must contain a proper Colorado acknowledgment, or other acknowledgment approved by Statute.
Colorado Statutes
38-35-124--Requirements upon satisfaction of indebtedness.
Except as provided in articles 22 and 23 of this title, when all indebtedness, whether absolute or contingent, secured by a lien on real property has been satisfied, unless the debtor requests in writing that the lien not be released, the creditor or holder of the indebtedness shall, within ninety days after the satisfaction of the indebtedness and receipt from the debtor of the reasonable costs of procuring and recording the release documents, record with the appropriate clerk and recorder the documents necessary to release or satisfy the lien of record or, in the case of an indebtedness secured by a deed of trust to a public trustee, file with the public trustee the documents required for a release as prescribed by section 38-39-102. If the debtor requests in writing that the lien be released, or fails to request in writing that the lien not be released, then the debtor's request or the actual release shall cancel any obligations on the part of the creditor or holder to make any further loan or advance that would be secured by the lien. If the person satisfying the indebtedness requests in writing delivery to him or her of the cancelled instruments of indebtedness at the time of satisfaction, the creditor or holder shall be relieved of any further obligation or liability under this section after such delivery has been completed. Upon satisfaction of the indebtedness, the creditor or holder shall return to the person satisfying the indebtedness all papers and personal property of the debtor that have been held by the creditor or holder in connection with the indebtedness. Any creditor or holder who fails to comply with this section shall be liable to the owner of the real property encumbered by such indebtedness and to any other person liable on such indebtedness for all actual economic loss incurred enforcing the rights provided under this section, including reasonable attorney fees and costs.
38-39-102--When deed of trust shall be released - definitions.
(1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of this section, a deed of trust to the public trustee, upon compliance with the provisions of the deed of trust, shall be released by the public trustee upon the:38-39-104 Satisfaction of mortgage.
The lien of any mortgage encumbering property within the state of Colorado can be released only by the mortgagee executing a separate instrument of release executed under the formalities prescribed by the law regulating conveyances. All releases made prior to July 1, 1973, either on the mortgage or on the record of the mortgage, and signed by the mortgagee, shall have the same effect as a separate instrument of release legally executed by the mortgagee.