The District of Columbia General Forms (Int)-Specific Instruction To Conservators and Conservatorship Information Sheet is a document used by the District of Columbia court system to provide guidance to conservators and conservatorship applicants. The form is used to provide detailed instructions to help conservators understand their duties and responsibilities in a conservatorship. The form includes information on the roles and responsibilities of the conservator, the conservatorship application process, and instructions for filing a petition for conservatorship. The form also provides information on the legal rights and duties of the conservator, the procedures for filing an objection to the conservatorship, and the rules and regulations governing conservatorships in the District of Columbia. There are two different types of District of Columbia General Forms (Int)-Specific Instruction To Conservators and Conservatorship Information Sheet: one for individuals and one for organizations. The form for individuals provides information on the roles and responsibilities of an individual conservator and the petition process for filing a conservatorship petition. The form for organizations provides information on the roles and responsibilities of an organizational conservator and the petition process for filing a conservatorship petition.