The District of Columbia Standard Probate Order (DCS PO) is a set of standard court orders used in the District of Columbia that govern the administration of an estate. The DCS PO is composed of a set of nine orders that set out the procedures for probate and estate administration in the District. The District of Columbia Standard Probate Order is divided into two distinct types: the Original Probate Order and the Amended Probate Order. The Original Probate Order is the set of orders issued at the initial probate hearing and outlines the procedures related to the opening of the estate, the appointment of the personal representative, the notice of creditors, the filing of disclosure statements, and the administration of the estate. The Amended Probate Order is issued after the initial probate hearing and contains additional orders related to the management and distribution of the estate. The DCS PO is designed to provide a uniform set of procedures for probate in the District of Columbia, and is regularly updated to reflect changes in the law. The DCS PO also provides guidance to personal representatives on their responsibilities and the necessary steps to properly administer an estate.