The District of Columbia Statement of Dissolution for Domestic Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a document that is filed with the District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DORA) when a Domestic LLP is to be dissolved. The document is used to officially dissolve the LLP and provide public notice of the dissolution. It includes the name of the LLP, the address of the registered office, the date the LLP was registered, the names and addresses of the managing partners, the date of dissolution, and any other relevant information. There are two types of District of Columbia Statement of Dissolution for Domestic Limited Liability Partnership: the Voluntary Dissolution and the Involuntary Dissolution. The Voluntary Dissolution is used when the partners of the LLP agree to dissolve it voluntarily. The Involuntary Dissolution is used when the LLP is dissolved due to legal action or as a result of a court order.