A District of Columbia Jump Bid refers to a bidding technique used in contract bridge, specifically in the auction phase of the game. In contract bridge, the auction phase occurs before the cards are played, where players bid to determine the final contract that will be played. The District of Columbia Jump Bid is a competitive bidding move made by players to disrupt the opponents' auction and imply a strong hand. It is a conventional bid that can convey different meanings depending on the context and agreements between the partnership. The District of Columbia Jump Bid is typically used after both opponents have made opening bids. Instead of making a natural bid, the player makes a jump bid in the suit below the opponents' suit to disrupt their potential bidding sequence. For example, if the opponents have opened the bidding in hearts, a jump bid of two spades can be made by a player. There are different variations and types of District of Columbia Jump Bids, which can vary based on partnership agreements and playing style. Some common types include: 1. Preemptive Jump Bid: The player uses a jump bid, often at a high level (3 or 4 of a suit), to preempt the opponents' bidding. It suggests that the player has a long suit with a weak hand but disrupts the opponents' ability to bid accurately. 2. Support Jump Bid: The player makes a jump bid in a new suit to show strong support for partner's previous bid. For example, if the partner opens the bidding with one spade, a jump bid of three hearts implies a strong hand with support for hearts. 3. Competitive Jump Bid: The player makes a jump bid in a suit that the opponents have bid to directly compete for the final contract. It suggests a strong hand and can be a disruptive move to hinder opponents' bidding communication. 4. Penalty Jump Bid: The player jumps to a high level in the bidding to convey a willingness to take penalties rather than competing for a contract. It implies a very strong hand with defensive values and invites the opponents to bid higher. Overall, District of Columbia Jump Bids are a strategic bidding tool used in bridge to convey strength, disrupt the opponents' bidding, and compete for the final contract. The specific type and implications of the jump bid can depend on partnership agreements and the specific bidding sequence in play.