The Florida General Service Contract (FGC) is a contract between a customer and a general contractor, usually for a construction project. It outlines the duties and responsibilities of the contractor, including the scope of work, project timeline, budget, and payment terms. The FGC is a standardized contract that is used for most construction projects in Florida, and is designed to ensure that the contractor and customer are both legally protected. The FGC is divided into two categories: the Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor and the Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Design Professional. The Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor outlines the terms and conditions of the contractor's performance and includes contract requirements like warranties, indemnities, and insurance. The Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Design Professional outlines the terms and conditions of the design professional's performance, including the scope of work, timeline, fees, and payment terms. The FGC is a legally binding document and must be signed by both parties before beginning any construction work. It is important to read the contract thoroughly before signing and to make sure that all terms and conditions are understood.