Affidavit Meaning

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OWNER'S (SELLER'S) AFFIDAVIT is a legal document used by property owners in the state of Florida to affirm their ownership and provide a sworn statement regarding the property's status, liens, structural defects, and other relevant legal obligations and disclosures. The document includes sections for personal information, marital status, liens, assurances against structural defects, and acknowledgments of any governmental notices or pending lawsuits. It concludes with a signature line for the owners and a notary section to validate the affidavit.

How to fill out Sellers Affidavit Form?

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  6. Download the completed form to your device. You can find it later in the My Forms section of your account for easy access.

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Owner's Affidavit FAQ

An Owner Affidavit is a document used by title and closing agencies to ensure that the current owner of a property is in ownership of the property free and clear of any encumbrances.The Owner Affidavit places the seller on the hook for any claims that may arise that are not covered by the title insurance policy.

The affidavit is a sworn statement of fact that specifies the seller of a property holds the title to it. In other words, it's proof that the seller owns the property. It also attests that certain other facts about the property are correctas sworn to by the seller and duly notarized.

In the sentence, the person writing the statement must state that he or she is stating that the information is accurate. (Example: I, Jane Doe, solemnly swear that the contents of this document are true and correct, and that I agree to abide by the terms in this affidavit.)

Address of the property; Full names of the owner and the transferee, who will receive the property; Personal details of both parties; All costs the new proprietor assumes.

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Affidavit Meaning