A Florida Affidavit of Ownership (Corporation) is a legal document used to confirm that the person signing the document is the rightful owner of a corporation. It is used to provide evidence that the person signing the document has full legal authority to manage and administer the corporation. The affidavit must be signed before a notary public or other authorized person, and must be filed with the Florida Department of State. There are two types of Florida Affidavit of Ownership (Corporation): the Incorporated’s Affidavit and the Officer’s Affidavit. ThIncorporatedor’s Affidavit is signed by the person who organized the corporation and must be filed when the Articles of Incorporation are filed with the Florida Department of State. The Officer’s Affidavit is signed by the corporation’s president, secretary, or other officer and must be filed when the corporation’s annual report is due. Both affidavits attest to the ownership of the corporation and must include the exact language provided by the Florida Department of State.