The Florida Affidavit of Indigence is a legal document used by those with limited financial resources to seek court relief from certain fees and costs associated with legal proceedings. It is used to demonstrate to the court that the individual filing it is unable to pay the costs of filing a lawsuit or appealing a court decision due to financial hardship. There are three types of Florida Affidavit of Indigence: the Standard Affidavit of Indigence, the Simplified Affidavit of Indigence, and the Expedited Affidavit of Indigence. The Standard Affidavit of Indigence requires the filer to provide detailed information about their income, assets, and other financial resources. This includes a list of all sources of income, a list of assets, and a detailed explanation of any financial hardship. The filer must also provide proof of their financial hardship, such as copies of recent pay stubs, bank statements, or tax returns. This affidavit is typically used in complex legal proceedings. The Simplified Affidavit of Indigence is a shorter version of the Standard Affidavit of Indigence and requires less information from the filer. This affidavit requires the filer to provide information about their income, assets, and other financial resources, but does not require proof of financial hardship. This affidavit is typically used in less complex legal proceedings. The Expedited Affidavit of Indigence is the fastest and simplest way to seek court relief from fees and costs. This affidavit does not require any information from the filer, but instead relies on a third-party affidavit attesting to the filer's financial hardship. This affidavit is typically used in emergency legal proceedings.