The Florida Civil Cover Sheet (FLED) is a standardized form used in Florida for filing civil lawsuits. It is a one-page document that provides basic information about the parties involved in the lawsuit and the claims being brought by the plaintiff. It must be filed at the beginning of the lawsuit in order to initiate the court process. The information provided on the form will help the court determine which court to assign the case to and who will be responsible for paying court costs. There are two types of Florida Civil Cover Sheet (FLED): the General Civil Cover Sheet (FLSD-CV) and the Small Claims Cover Sheet (FLSD-SC). The General Civil Cover Sheet (FLSD-CV) is used for all civil cases other than small claims, while the Small Claims Cover Sheet (FLSD-SC) is used for small claims cases. Both forms require the same information, including the name of the county where the lawsuit will be filed, the type of case, the attorneys representing each party, the total amount of damages sought, and any special affidavit required.