Articles of Incorporation (Florida Not For Profit Corporation) are the legal documents filed with the state of Florida to form a non-profit corporation in the state. These documents must be filed with the Division of Corporations in the Department of State. The Articles of Incorporation set forth the name of the corporation, the purpose of the organization, the address of the corporation, the names of the directors, and the names of the incorporates. The Articles of Incorporation must be accompanied by a filing fee and signed by all incorporates. The two main types of Articles of Incorporation (Florida Not For Profit Corporation) are the Standard Articles of Incorporation and the Special Articles of Incorporation. The Standard Articles of Incorporation are the most commonly used and provide general information about the organization. The Special Articles of Incorporation provide more detailed information about the organization, such as the specific purpose for which the organization was created, the number of directors, and the activities the organization intends to engage in. Both types of Articles of Incorporation must be filed with the Division of Corporations and signed by all incorporates.