The Florida Amendment of Cancellation of Statement of Authority is a document that is used to revoke the authority of a business entity or an individual to act on behalf of a business in a certain state. This document is typically used when an individual or business entity wishes to revoke the authority of another individual or business entity to engage in business activities in the state of Florida. There are three types of Florida Amendment of Cancellation of Statement of Authority: Single Member LLC, Multi-Member LLC, and Corporation. The Single Member LLC Amendment of Cancellation of Statement of Authority is used when there is only one member of the LLC and the Multi-Member LLC Amendment of Cancellation of Statement of Authority is used when there is more than one member of the LLC. The Corporation Amendment of Cancellation of Statement of Authority is used for corporations that are registered in the state of Florida. All three of these documents must be filed with the Florida Secretary of State's office in order to be legally binding.