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Streamline your business processes today by obtaining your Hawaii Company Employment Policies and Procedures Package. Visit US Legal Forms now to get started!
The topics included in the employee handbook should cover the employer's mission statement, equal employment opportunity statement, contractual disclaimer and at-will employment statement, purpose of the employee handbook, and background information on the company.
Your company's history, mission, vision and goals. Your company's core values and culture. Human resources and legal information related to employment. Your company's policies. Employee benefits and perks.
Step 1: Review and Make Required Revisions to the Current Company Policies. Step 2: Create an Outline of What to Include in the Employee Handbook. Step 3: Create Summarized Versions of Each Policy and Procedure. Step 4: Add Each Summary Statement in the Appropriate Sections According to the Outline.
At-will employer/disclaimer. injury reporting. equal employment opportunity. harassment/discrimination. hours of work/meal breaks. FMLA. Internet/e-mail. reasonable accommodation.
Company History. While not required, a brief section discussing the company's history and its mission can help set the tone for an employee handbook. Paid Time-Off Policy. Employee Behavior. Pay and Promotions. Benefits.
Employee handbooks can go by different names, such as an employee field guide or staff manual. Whatever you call them, employee handbooks are documents that all employees at a company should receive, often on their first day. They are designed to cover everything a new hire needs to know to get started at their job.
File a new claim, additional claim or reactivate an existing claim. File weekly claim certifications. Change your mailing address. View payment history. Claim inquiry. Receive email confirmation, instructions and important notices.
To file online, use Hawaii Unemployment Insurance (HUI) Express. To file on paper, use Form UC-B6, Employer's Quarterly Wage, Contribution and Employment and Training Assessment Report. DLIR mails four of these forms, one for each quarter, at the beginning of each year to employers who file on paper.
Use the handbook as a communication tool. Employees can be full of legal agreements and notices, which important as they are, can be daunting. Safety and security. Get a legal review. Outline your expectations/Code of conduct. Hours, benefits, and compensation. Don't be redundant. Make it readable. Leave room for change.