Iowa Chapter 42 — Regulations of the Commission on Continuing Legal Education is a set of rules and regulations created by the state of Iowa to ensure that lawyers in the state receive the necessary education and training to maintain their professional competence. The regulations specify the requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) for Iowa attorneys, including mandatory minimum CLE hours, subject requirements, and standards for approved CLE programs. The regulations are divided into four parts: Part I: General Provisions, Part II: Mandatory CLE Requirements, Part III: Standards for Approved CLE Programs, and Part IV: Exemptions. Part I: General Provisions includes definitions and provides guidance on the general requirements of the Iowa CLE. Part II: Mandatory CLE Requirements outlines the specific CLE hours that must be completed in each reporting period, including the number of hours that must be completed in certain areas of law and the number of hours that must be completed in courses approved by the Commission. Part III: Standards for Approved CLE Programs sets forth the criteria that must be met for a CLE program to be approved by the Commission. This includes requirements for topics that must be covered, the duration of the program, and the qualifications of the instructor. Part IV: Exemptions outlines the circumstances under which an attorney may be exempt from completing the mandatory CLE requirements.