The Iowa Statement of Current Monthly Income and Disposable Income Calculation for Use in Chapter 13 — Post 2005 is an essential document that individuals filing for bankruptcy in Iowa need to complete accurately. This form plays a significant role in determining a debtor's ability to repay their debts and amount their creditors will receive through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. The Iowa Statement of Current Monthly Income (Form B122C-1) is the initial step in calculating a debtor's disposable income. This form requires individuals to disclose their average monthly income received over the six-month period prior to the bankruptcy filing. Different sources of income such as wages, self-employment earnings, rental income, and government benefits must be included in this calculation. Understanding which sources of income are eligible for inclusion in this form is crucial to ensure accuracy. Additionally, the Iowa Statement of Current Monthly Income asks debtors to indicate any deductions or adjustments to their income. For example, expenses related to business operations, taxes, domestic support obligations, health insurance, and retirement contributions may lower the current monthly income figure. Once the debtor's current monthly income is calculated, it is used to determine their disposable income through the Iowa Disposable Income Calculation (Form B122C-2). This form evaluates the debtor's allowable expenses and subtracts them from the current monthly income. The remaining amount after deducting qualified expenses is regarded as disposable income. In both forms, it is important to input accurate and honest information. Making errors or misrepresentations could negatively impact the outcome of the bankruptcy case, potentially leading to denial of discharge or penalties. Therefore, it is advisable to seek professional guidance from a bankruptcy attorney to navigate the complex requirements of these forms and ensure accurate completion. In summary, the Iowa Statement of Current Monthly Income and Disposable Income Calculation for Use in Chapter 13 — Post 2005 consists of two forms: Form B122C-1 (Statement of Current Monthly Income) and Form B122C-2 (Disposable Income Calculation). Both forms are crucial components of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing in Iowa, determining a debtor's ability to repay their debts and the creditors' potential recovery. Seeking professional assistance while completing these forms is highly recommended ensuring accuracy and compliance with bankruptcy regulations.