Idaho Instructions for Judgment Debtor Examinations are a set of instructions for court proceedings involving a debtor's assets and liabilities. The instructions are issued by the Idaho Supreme Court to be used in a variety of civil cases. The instructions provide guidance to the court in determining the debtor's assets, liabilities, and other financial information. The instructions consist of five parts: 1. Introduction — This section outlines the purpose of the instructions and the applicable rules of procedure. 2. Examination Process — This section provides details regarding the examination of the debtor’s assets and liabilities, including the types of documents that may be requested and the format of the examination. 3. Examination Procedure — This section outlines the procedural steps that must be followed by the court and the parties involved in the examination. 4. Examination Results — This section outlines the procedures for determining the results of the examination, including the manner in which the results will be reported. 5. Conclusion — This section outlines the procedure for enforcement of the judgment, including the filing of any necessary documents and the payment of any applicable fees. The instructions also include two appendices: 1. Appendix A — This appendix provides a sample form of a judgment debtor examination, which can be used as a template for preparing the necessary documents. 2. Appendix B — This appendix provides a sample form of a judgment debtor examination record, which can be used to review the information gathered during the examination. The Idaho Supreme Court also provides instructions for other types of judgment debtor examinations, such as garnishment proceedings and third-party examination proceedings.