Idaho Summary of Payments Fatal Case is a system used to process claims for death benefits due to fatal workplace accidents. This system provides an overview of the payments and benefits available to eligible dependents of a worker who has died as a result of a workplace-related injury or illness. The Idaho Summary of Payments Fatal Case system is divided into two categories: Dependent Benefits and Survivor Benefits. Dependent Benefits include: 1. Lump-sum death benefits: This is a one-time payment to cover funeral expenses, burial costs, and other associated costs. 2. Health care benefits: This includes coverage for medical bills and other health-related expenses. 3. Education benefits: This includes an educational allowance for dependents to pursue higher education. 4. Dependent care benefits: This includes coverage for dependent care costs such as daycare and nanny services. Survivor Benefits include: 1. Survivor benefits: This is a monthly benefit paid to the surviving dependents of the deceased worker. 2. Death gratuity: This is a one-time payment to the surviving dependents of the deceased worker. 3. Survivor pension: This is a monthly pension paid to the surviving dependents of the deceased worker. 4. Survivor annuity: This is a monthly annuity paid to the surviving dependents of the deceased worker.