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Take charge of your name change today! Visit US Legal Forms to get started on your Illinois petition for name change.
It's a long process. While a legal document such as a marriage certificate or court granted petition will allow you to change your name, it won't be truly official until you've submitted name change applications with the Social Security Administration, the DMV, and other relevant institutions.
File a Notice of Name Change. Publish the Notice in a local newspaper. File the Illinois Petition for Name Change. Attend a name change hearing. File an Illinois Order for Name Change.
It will take at least 8 weeks to change your name.
File a Notice of Name Change. Publish the Notice in a local newspaper. File the Illinois Petition for Name Change. Attend a name change hearing. File an Illinois Order for Name Change.
The price of changing your name on your Illinois vehicle title depends on whether or not you have a name change document: With name change document: $15. Without name change document: $95.
Show the required documents. You will need proof of your identity. Fill out and print an Application for a Social Security Card; and. Mail your application and documents to your local Social Security office.
Obtain an application for a new social security card. Gather the required documents. Complete the application. Locate the nearest driving facility. Gather the required documents. Fill out the application for a new driver's license.
A certified copy of the Order for Name Change ( Adult ), A money order for $15.00 made out to Illinois Department of Public Health, and. Your date of birth and place of birth.