The Illinois Uniform Order for Support (IFSA) is a set of legal regulations administered by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. It provides a comprehensive framework for establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support and medical support orders for children whose parents no longer live together. It also provides a streamlined process for transferring support orders between states when parents move. The Illinois Uniform Order for Support includes four different types of orders. These are: • The Income Withholding Order: This order requires the paying parent's employer to deduct a certain amount from their wages for child support. • The Order of Support: This order sets the amount of child support the paying parent must pay. • The Health Insurance Order: This order requires the paying parent to provide health insurance coverage for the child. • The Medical Support Order: This order requires the paying parent to provide financial support to cover the child's medical expenses. The Illinois Uniform Order for Support is designed to ensure that all parents living in the state are held responsible for the financial well-being of their children. It helps to create consistency across all counties in Illinois, so that no matter where the parents live, the same support orders are enforced.