Illinois Simplified Procedure Agreement as to Assets and Debts (ISP AAD) is a legal document used in the state of Illinois to dissolve a marriage. It is a contract between the parties in a divorce that outlines the division of assets and liabilities between the spouses. ISP AAD is a simplified process that reduces time and cost associated with a traditional divorce. The ISP AAD agreement includes a list of assets and liabilities, as well as the value of each. The agreement establishes who will be responsible for each debt or asset, and how any remaining assets or debts will be divided. The document also includes provisions for maintenance (alimony) and child support payments. ISP AAD agreement can be divided into two types: Uncontested and Contested. In an uncontested ISP AAD agreement, both parties agree on the division of assets and liabilities. In a contested ISP AAD agreement, the parties must attend a hearing and submit evidence to a judge for the court to decide how the assets and liabilities will be divided.