Illinois Getting Started-Request to Expunge & Impound and/or Seal Criminal Records is a form available for individuals who want to clear their criminal records or have them sealed from public view. The form allows individuals to determine their eligibility for expungement and sealing, and if they qualify, to request that their criminal records be expunged and/or sealed. There are two types of Illinois Getting Started-Request to Expunge & Impound and/or Seal Criminal Records: Expungement and Sealing. Expungement is the process of removing a criminal record from public view, while sealing is the process of keeping a criminal record confidential from public view. Expunging a criminal record means that the record is erased, and it is as if the crime never occurred. Sealing a criminal record means that the record is kept confidential and inaccessible to the public, but not completely erased. The eligibility requirements for expungement and sealing vary depending on the type of criminal record. Generally, individuals may be eligible for expungement or sealing if the charge was dismissed, they were found not guilty, or they received probation or supervision instead of conviction. Individuals must also meet certain criteria such as waiting periods and good behavior. To request an expungement or sealing of their criminal records, individuals must complete the Illinois Getting Started-Request to Expunge & Impound and/or Seal Criminal Records form and submit it to the local circuit court in their county. After the form is submitted, the court will review the request and determine if the individual is eligible. If the court determines that the individual is eligible, the criminal record will be expunged or sealed.