Indiana Procedure for Requesting Unclaimed Funds includes searching for funds, filing a claim, and collecting the funds. To search, individuals or businesses must first locate the appropriate agency or organization where the funds may be held. This can be done by visiting the Indiana Treasurer’s Unclaimed Property Division website. The website allows users to search for funds by name, address, or Social Security Number. If funds are located, a claim form must be completed and submitted to the agency or organization that is holding the funds. Once the claim form is completed, it must be filed with the agency or organization that is holding the funds. The claim form must include the claimant's name, address, Social Security Number, and other supporting documentation, such as a copy of a valid ID or proof of ownership. Once the claim is approved, the claimant will be notified and the funds will then be released. Different types of Indiana Procedure for Requesting Unclaimed Funds include Unclaimed Property, Unclaimed Savings Bonds, Unclaimed Tax Refunds, Unclaimed Bank Accounts, and Unclaimed Insurance Benefits.