Indiana Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost is a financial form used to track the costs associated with investigations and other services related to non-capital criminal cases in the state of Indiana. It is typically used by defense attorneys and other legal professionals to ensure that all costs associated with a case are accounted for and that no unnecessary expenses are incurred. The worksheet is divided into two parts: the estimated cost of services and the actual cost of services. The estimated cost includes the fees for investigative services and other related costs, such as expert fees, witness fees, court costs, and other miscellaneous expenses. The actual cost section of the worksheet shows the total cost of services, including all fees, expenses, and other costs. There are three types of Indiana Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost: Standard, Enhanced, and Complex. The Standard worksheet is the basic version and is used for most cases; the Enhanced worksheet contains additional fields for more detailed tracking; and the Complex worksheet is used for more complex cases that require additional services.