The Indiana Order In Garnishment Cheat Sheet is a tool to help employers, creditors, and debtors understand the garnishment process in Indiana. The Cheat Sheet provides a comprehensive overview of garnishment laws in Indiana, including the type of debt that is subject to garnishment, the garnishee's responsibilities, and the procedures for responding to garnishment orders. It also describes the steps for calculating garnishment amounts, filing objections, and filing for exemptions from garnishment. The Cheat Sheet is divided into two main sections: Employers and Creditors and Debtors. The Employers and Creditors section provides information on how to respond to garnishment orders, including filing a response, calculating the garnishment amount, and filing for objections and exemptions. The Debtors section provides information on how to protect your wages and assets from garnishment. It also includes information on filing for exemptions and how to dispute a garnishment order.