The Indiana Domestic Violence Determination Form, also known as the DVD, is a document used to help determine whether an individual has any history of domestic violence. It is designed to help law enforcement, prosecutors, and courts make informed decisions about whether to pursue criminal charges in domestic violence cases. The form can be used to collect information on the history of a relationship, the history of violence, and the current safety of the victim. It can also be used to help identify potential risk factors for future violence. The DVD contains three main types of forms: The Adult Domestic Violence Determination Form, the Juvenile Domestic Violence Determination Form, and the Domestic Violence Risk Assessment Form. The Adult Domestic Violence Determination Form is used to determine if an adult has been a victim of domestic violence, while the Juvenile Domestic Violence Determination Form is used to assess the risks associated with a juvenile victim of domestic violence. Finally, the Domestic Violence Risk Assessment Form is used to assess the risk of future violence for both adults and juveniles.