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In short, no a codicil to a Will does not have to be notarized. However, laws and requirements vary from state to state. A codicil does have to be signed in front of at least two witnesses who are not listed as beneficiaries, guardians, or executors in your Will.
A codicil may be a legally binding amendment to a will. It can add, further explain, modify, or revoke portions of a given will.
Rather than taking the will to an attorney, you may attempt to change the will yourself. Not all handwritten changes to a will may be valid, however.A codicil is a legal document, added to your will, through which you can make valid changes to your estate plan.
How do I write a Codicil? You can handwrite or type a Codicil. It should state at the top it is a codicil, and make reference to the document it is altering. You should then describe the clause to be changed, and explain the changes.
Making changes to your will You cannot amend your will after it's been signed and witnessed. The only way you can change a will is by making an official alteration called a codicil. You must sign a codicil and get it witnessed in the same way as witnessing a will.
A codicil does have to be signed in front of at least two witnesses who are not listed as beneficiaries, guardians, or executors in your Will. In some states, you can attach what's called a Self-Proving Affidavit to your codicil.
Making changes to your will You cannot amend your will after it's been signed and witnessed. The only way you can change a will is by making an official alteration called a codicil. You must sign a codicil and get it witnessed in the same way as witnessing a will.