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Alabama. Arkansas. Colorado. Connecticut. Hawaii. Idaho. Maine. Nebraska.
Complete the seller and buyer section of the Application for Kentucky Certificate of Title/Registration. Complete the Application for Title/Affidavit of Total Consideration on the back of the title. Note: Complete the seller and buyer section of the Transfer of Title by Owner.
Most states do not require a notary to witness the signing of a bill of sale. However, by law, a notary public must witness both parties signing the document in Louisiana, Nebraska, Maryland, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Montana. Notaries are optional in other states.
What Is a Kentucky Bill of Sale? A Kentucky bill of sale is a legal document that proves that the described item was legally sold from the seller (either a dealer or an individual) to the buyer. As of February 2018, there is no legal requirement to have a Kentucky bill of sale notarized.
Write the title "Bill of Sale" at the top of the paper. Write the buyer's full name and address under the title of "Buyer." Write the seller's full name and address under the title of "Seller." Write down the year, make, model, color, current odometer reading, and Vehicle Identification Number from the vehicle.
After both parties sign the bill of sale, make a copy or take a picture of it. The buyer should keep the original bill of sale.
When you sell or buy a vehicle in the Commonwealth of Kentucky a specific Bill of Sale VTR Form # TC96-182 is necessary. This serves as a contract from the seller to the buyer documenting the transaction. This form must be submitted for Title/Registration and must be signed and notarized.
The bill of sale, as a rule, is drafted by the seller and includes the details of the transaction. It protects both the buyer and the seller, should disagreements arise in the future.