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Background Verification(BGV)is a mandatory step in any organization today. Checks on education, employment, any open litigation against the person, addresses and so on, get verified as a part of this.
The law generally allows employers to look into your past before hiring you. However, you must give your consent before an employer can gather certain kinds of information. And the law limits how employers may use the results of a background check.
California is rife with regulation of how employers may obtain and consider background check information for use in hiring and personnel decisions.The applicant or employee must provide written consent for the employer to obtain a background check report.
Federal law Several federal laws explicitly or implicitly apply to the practice of background investigations. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA regulates the use of consumer credit reports and investigative consumer reports and applies when a third party conducts background checks on behalf of an employer.
What causes a red flag on a background check? There are plenty of reasons a person may not pass a background check, including criminal history, education discrepancies, poor credit history, damaged driving record, false employment history, and a failed drug test.
Background Check vs Reference Check In summary, a background check is used to look up criminal, commercial, and financial records of a candidate. Whereas, a reference check looks to find the perfect employee fit, and protect your company from a poor performer or bad hire.
An employer must have your written consent to check your credit report. Written consent is also required if an employer will hire an outside agency (such as a criminal background check firm or private investigator) to check you out.
Background checks allow even current employers to look for a criminal record.In most states, employers are not permitted to run a background check without a signed authorization form, according to the Federal Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). To do so would be in violation of federal law.
What is a reference check? A reference check is part of the hiring process where your candidate (or applicant) connects the hiring company with professional (and sometimes personal) job references to gather more details about themselves: their work history, job responsibilities and performance.