The Kentucky Order Granting Pretrial Diversion of Class D Felony is a court order that allows a person accused of a Class D felony to avoid serving jail time and prosecution. This order is issued by a judge and allows the defendant to participate in a pretrial diversion program. The program typically involves the completion of activities such as community service, substance abuse counseling, or other activities deemed necessary by the court. If the defendant successfully completes the program, the charges against them are dismissed and their criminal record is sealed. There are two types of Kentucky Order Granting Pretrial Diversion of Class D Felony. The first is a Deferred Diversion Order, which allows the defendant to postpone prosecution for up to one year while they complete the diversion program. The second is a Dismissal Diversion Order, which allows the defendant to complete the diversion program and then have the charges against them dismissed without a conviction.