The Kentucky Report of Interdisciplinary Evaluation Team (TRIED) is an assessment tool used by the Kentucky Department of Education to evaluate the educational needs of students with disabilities. TRIED is a multi-disciplinary evaluation that includes a comprehensive evaluation of the student’s academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. It is designed to provide an individualized plan for the student’s educational experienceTRIEDET typically involves a team of professionals, including a school psychologist, speech language pathologist, learning specialist, special education teacher, and general education teacher. This team works together to evaluate the student’s current level of functioning and to develop an individualized plan to support the student’s educational needsTRIEDET is composed of three components: a Functional Assessment, an Educational Evaluation, and a recommendation for the student’s Individual Education ProgramRETRIEDED STET can be used for students with a variety of disabilities, including physical disabilities, mental health disabilities, learning disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders. There are two types of TRIED: a Full Evaluation and a Limited Evaluation. The Full Evaluation is more comprehensive, and includes the Functional Assessment, Educational Evaluation, and recommendation for the IEP. The Limited Evaluation does not include the Functional Assessment, and is typically used for students who are already receiving special education services.