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The state of Louisiana requires vehicles registered in certain parishes and cities to pass a vehicle emissions test and safety inspection every two years. The Louisiana State Police enforces the state's testing requirements.
Some inspections are good for two years now, and all have a one-month grace period after expiration. After that, a driver may be subject to citation. We understand that inspection stickers can be overlooked and our effort is always geared towards courteous enforcement.
Tyre quality and tread depth. Vehicle body condition. Working electrics such as headlights, blinkers, interior lights and dash lights. Engine/suspension/exhaust and driveline condition. Seatbelt condition. Engine and driveline fluid leaks. Brake efficiency test.
Valid driver's license. Current vehicle registration. Current valid insurance.
Bagley's bill would have eliminated most of the vehicle inspection stickers and instead add $10 to the vehicle registration renewal fee, which Bagley said would have funded 150 additional state troopers.
The option for a motorist to receive an inspection sticker valid for a two year period is for safety only inspections. Emissions testing must be performed annually; therefore, a vehicle that requires an emissions inspection cannot receive a 2-year inspection sticker.
It expires on the last day of the month listed on the inspection sticker. There's no grace period so until you get it renewed, you run the risk of getting a ticket.
Proof of liability insurance: any current state insurance is acceptable. Payment: Official Inspection Station accepts cash, check and credit cards (Visa & Master Card and Apple Pay). Texas state law requires that payment is made whether your vehicle passes or fails inspection. Photo ID: this must be current and valid.
7. When should my vehicle's safety inspection sticker expire? Upon passing a safety inspection, most passenger cars and light trucks will receive an inspection sticker valid for one year from the month of inspection or one year from the expiration of the current inspection sticker on the vehicle.