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(1) A motion by the defendant for a speedy trial, in order to be valid, must be accompanied by an affidavit by defendant's counsel certifying that the defendant and his counsel are prepared to proceed to trial within the delays set forth in this Article.
The state has to bring you to trial with 120 days if you are accused of a felony and 30 days if you are accused of a misdemeanor and are still being held in custody. If you have bonded out, the State has 180 days to bring you to trial on a felony charge and 60 days to bring you to trial on a misdemeanor charge.
1Know the rules.2Use the case style.3Write a short preamble.4Answer questions wherever possible.5Object where necessary.6Sign and mail.
An arraignment in Louisiana is the first court appearance in criminal court in Louisiana. Prior to the arraignment, the prosecutor either filed a bill of information, which is the formal charge, or the grand jury returned a true bill indictinhg the defendant. The arraignment is then set.
Know the rules. Use the case style. Write a short preamble. Answer questions wherever possible. Object where necessary. Sign and mail.
The purposes of a bill of particulars are to inform the accused of the nature of the charge with sufficient precision to enable the accused to prepare for trial, to avoid or minimize the danger of surprise at the time of the trial and to enable the accused to plead the acquittal or conviction in bar of another
This week's legal term of the week is Bill of Particulars. A bill of particulars is a written statement giving details of a lawsuit filed in a General District Court.If the judge orders a plaintiff to file a bill of particulars, the plaintiff will have a later trial date and time.
In common law jurisdictions, a bill of particulars is a detailed, formal, written statement of charges or claims by a plaintiff or the prosecutor given upon the defendant's formal request to the court for more detailed information. A bill of particulars may be used in either criminal defense or in civil litigation.
How Do You File a Bill of Particulars? The Virginia Courts maintain a web-site with a simple to fill out Bill of Particulars form and instructions for filling out the form. Simply file a completed copy with the clerk of the court (General District Court) in your county/city.