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Take charge of your anatomical gift donation process today. Explore US Legal Forms and make a meaningful contribution with confidence!
To donate your whole body as a dissection cadaver for medical students, contact the body donation program of your local medical school. To help doctors practice skills or learn new ones, you can will your body to the Medical Education and Research Institute.
Any person wishing to donate their body can make prior arrangements with the local medical college, hospital, or an NGO, before death. Individuals may request a consent form from a medical institution or an NGO, who will then give information about policies and procedures followed after the potential donor is deceased.
To donate your whole body as a dissection cadaver for medical students, contact the body donation program of your local medical school. To help doctors practice skills or learn new ones, you can will your body to the Medical Education and Research Institute.
There is no charge to donate and you can typically donate your organs as well as your body. It is important that you make arrangements ahead of time.
One reason for this is the belief that body donation can be expensive. On the contrary, there are no direct costs for donating your body to science. In fact, it can even save you and your family from paying steep funeral costs.
The potential donor has an infectious or contagious disease (such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B or hepatitis C, or prion diseases). The next of kin objects to the donation of the body. The body is not acceptable for anatomical study (extremely emaciated or extremely obese).
In Louisiana, you may donate your body to any of the medical or dental schools listed below, or to the Louisiana Bureau of Anatomical Services, which will designate a school to receive the body. How do I donate? Contact one of the donor programs and request a Donation Agreement and accompanying information.
Can anyone donate his or her body to science? Basically yes, medical institutions accept donations from all ages, ethnicities, and locations. Many medical institutions and medical schools actually require cadavers with certain pre-existing conditions for specific training or research purposes.