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A covenant of quiet enjoyment insures an owner or tenant against a disturbance of his or her right to possess or use property. For example, a covenant of quiet enjoyment could prevent a tenant from being evicted by a person with superior title. Also called covenant for quiet enjoyment.
The covenant of quiet enjoyment states that a tenant has the right to enjoy his or her rental unit without substantial interference from the landlord. It ensures that tenants benefit from the full use and enjoyment of their rental unit.
If a landlord fails to stop excessive and unreasonable noise tenants can file a small claims lawsuit against the landlord for tolerating a nuisance.
It means with no interference from another party. Each sale carries the implication that it can be owned without any interference.
A Covenant that promises that the grantee or tenant of an estate in real property will be able to possess the premises in peace, without disturbance by hostile claimants. Quiet enjoyment is a right to the undisturbed use and enjoyment of real property by a tenant or landowner.
Under common law tenants have a right to 'quiet enjoyment' of the property. This is an implied term, or covenant, which has been expressed or implied in conveyances and leases of English land for centuries.'Quiet enjoyment' is a term so often misunderstood.
According to Nolo, quiet enjoyment is The right of a property owner or tenant to enjoy his or her property without interference. Disruption of quiet enjoyment may constitute a legal nuisance.
Typical quiet hours are 11 p.m. to 7 or 8 a.m. on weekdays and 11 p.m. or midnight to 8, 9, or 10 a.m. on weekends and holidays. The quiet enjoyment clause for your apartment community may have tighter hours than your city ordinances to maintain a pleasant atmosphere for all residents.