Massachusetts OR Referral (For All Parties For Mandatory Meetings) is a referral process for Massachusetts state agencies to identify and refer individuals to the Office of Employer and Vocational Rehabilitation (OR) for services or supports related to employment opportunities. This referral process is designed to ensure that individuals with disabilities, including those with mental health disabilities, receive appropriate services and supports to enable them to achieve their employment goals. There are three types of referrals: initial referrals, follow-up referrals, and emergency referrals. Initial referrals are made when an individual first contacts an agency and requests services or supports related to employment. Follow-up referrals are made when an individual is already receiving services from an agency and requests additional services or supports related to employment. Emergency referrals are made when an individual is in immediate need of services or supports related to employment. All referrals must include contact information for the individual, a description of services and supports requested, and the agency's referral authorization.