This package contains the following forms:
1. Last Will
2. General Durable Power of Attorney
3. Statutory Designation of Standby Guardian
4. Statutory Advance Health Care Directive
5. Estate Planning Questionnaire and Worksheets
6. Personal Planning Information and Document Inventory Worksheets
1. Last Will - Complete this form to detail in writing your wishes regarding who is to receive your property at death and who will administer your estate. It also enables you to appoint trustees or guardians, if applicable.
2. General Durable Power of Attorney for Property and Finances Effective Immediately - This General Durable Power of Attorney is a general, durable power of attorney which is effective IMMEDIATELY. The powers granted to an Agent in this Power of Attorney are very broad. This Power of Attorney does NOT provide for health care services. This form complies with all applicable state statutory laws.
3. Statutory Designation of Standby Guardian - This is a form provided for by the Maryland Code. A standby guardian is someone whom you appoint to be the temporary guardian of your child(ren) in the event that (1) your doctor concludes that you are mentally incapacitated, and thus unable to care for your child(ren); or (2) your doctor concludes that you are physically debilitated, and thus unable to care for your child(ren). A standby guardian's authority will cease 180 days after beginning unless by that date the standby guardian petitions the court for appointment as guardian. You retain full parental rights even after the beginning of the standby guardian's authority, and may revoke the standby guardianship at any time.
4. Statutory Advance Health Care Directive - This form is provided for in the Maryland Code and is a statutory Advance Directive regarding your decisions and choices concerning your health care. It allows you to select a health care agent, give health care instructions, or both. If you use the advance directive, you can make decisions about life-sustaining procedures in the event of terminal condition, persistent vegetative state, or end-stage condition. You can also use the advance directive to make any other health care decisions.
5. Estate Planning Questionnaire and Worksheets - This Estate Planning Questionnaire and Worksheet is for completing information relevant to an estate. It contains questions for personal and financial information. You may use this form for client interviews. It is also ideal for a person to complete to view their overall financial situation for estate planning purposes.
6. Personal Planning Information and Document Inventory Worksheets - This form enables you to document matters relevant to your life and personal planning such as the location of your important legal documents, relatives names, contact information, medical information, financial asset inventory and more.