The Maryland Instructions and Forms for Filing a Motion for Authorization to File a Successive Habeas Corpus Petition Under 28 USC Sec. 2244 are legal documents that provide guidance on how to file a habeas corpus petition in Maryland. The documents are designed to help individuals who are seeking to challenge the legality of their confinement under state law. The documents provide instructions on the process of filing a motion for authorization to file a successive habeas corpus petition. The Maryland Instructions and Forms for Filing a Motion for Authorization to File a Successive Habeas Corpus Petition Under 28 USC Sec. 2244 consist of two main forms. The first form is the "Motion for Authorization to File a Successive Habeas Corpus Petition Under 28 USC Sec. 2244," which is used to file a habeas corpus petition in the Maryland Court of Appeals. The second form is the "Order Granting Authorization to File a Successive Habeas Corpus Petition Under 28 USC Sec. 2244," which is a court order granting permission to file a successive habeas corpus petition in the Maryland Court of Appeals. The documents provide instructions on how to prepare and file the motion for authorization, as well as information on how to submit the order for authorization. The documents also provide information on how to serve the motion and order on the respondent and the respondent's counsel. Additionally, the documents provide information on how to appeal a denial of authorization to file a successive habeas corpus petition.