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Dear Name: I am writing to provide notice of my request that you refund the security deposit paid in the amount of $1500.00 for the rental of Address, City, State Zip Code. I vacated the residence on 00/00/00 without any damages beyond oridnary wear and tear.
Concisely review the main facts and lay out the reasons your landlord owes you money. Include copies of relevant letters and agreements, such as your notice to move out. Ask for exactly what you want, such as the full amount of your deposit within ten days. Cite state security deposit law.
You can use your scheme's 'alternative dispute resolution' (ADR) service to help you get your deposit back. You should use the ADR service if you can - it's free and easy to make a claim. You'll usually have to make your claim within 3 months of moving out of the property.
Fill out the Request for Return of Security Deposit form (not interactive; you must print, then fill out the form). Send the form to your former landlord. Keep a photo-copy of the form for yourself. Hold on to the Return Receipt when it comes back in the mail.
Generally, a landlord may retain all or part of the security deposit to pay for damages to the unit that occurred during the tenants' occupancy, except for those resulting from normal wear and tear. Usually, the landlord can deduct other costs, such as late fees, unpaid rent, and unpaid utility bills.
The security deposit refund letter, sometimes called the return or disposition letter, clarifies for each tenant how the security deposit was used. In the simplest cases, the tenant gets a full return of their security deposit.
If you didn't get your deposit back that way, ask your landlord to return it. If they refuse, you can you can call the Ontario government's Rental Housing Enforcement Unit (RHEU) at 1-888-772-9277 (toll-free) or 416-585-7214.
I want to submit humbly, that all my college/university dues have been timely submitted and I am neither a library defaulter nor a hostel dues defaulter, kindly sign my application for clearance of all dues well in time so I can receive my security fee refund. (Explain the actual condition and situation).
5 Times a Landlord Does Not Have to Return a Tenant's Security Deposit. Breaking or Terminating a Lease Early. Nonpayment of Rent. Damage to the Property. Cleaning Costs. Unpaid Utilities.