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Essentially, in the event of a tenant being unable to meet their obligations under the Tenancy Agreement contract, whether it is for overdue rent, damage to the property or whatever, the Guarantor is legally bound to accept the liabilities on behalf of the tenant.
Quite simply, if a guarantor can technically pay, but decides they will not pay it for whatever reason, they are breaking the contract that they signed.Collateral may be taken into account if the guarantor will not pay up what is due or the lender may have a claim in their estate.
Lenders have their own rules and guidelines, but usually guarantors will: be over 21 years old. have a good credit history. have a separate bank account to the borrower you may be able to guarantee a loan for a spouse or partner, but only if you have separate bank accounts.
A guaranty of lease is a covenant by the guarantor to be responsible for the obligations of the tenant.In these examples, a selective landlord would not enter into the lease without the tenant offering a creditworthy guarantor.
It's very common for a guarantee to last as long as the tenancy lasts. So, if the tenant remains in the property for four years, you will continue to be responsible for any arrears or damages during that entire period. Most tenancies will run for a fixed term and will then continue on a month-by-month basis.
If you are a guarantor and no longer wish to be, you must obtain the consent or agreement from the landlord before you will be released from your liabilities, which, if the rent is in arrears, the landlord is unlikely to agree to.
A guarantor is a third party who 'guarantees' a loan, mortgage or rental agreement. This means they agree to repay the total amount owed if the borrower or renter can't pay what they owe. By guaranteeing the agreement, you become responsible for any arrears that occur.
Your guarantor needs to be more financial stable than you are. The landlord will request them to agree on credit checks and any other checks that have been made to you. In turn, the guarantor must satisfy the landlord's standards to be eligible.
If you're renting in London, you'll need to go through credit checks and referencing as part of the rental application process. If you're new to renting or you can't provide a reference from a previous landlord, you might be asked to provide a guarantor.