Maine Duties of the Jury is the set of responsibilities set forth by Maine law for jurors to fulfill when serving on a jury. There are two main types of Maine Duties of the Jury: 1. Deliberating Jury Duties: The primary responsibility of a juror is to listen to the evidence presented in court and to consider that evidence in order to reach a verdict. In order to reach a fair and just verdict, jurors must listen to both sides of the case and deliberate with their fellow jurors in order to reach a unanimous decision. 2. Monitoring Jury Duties: In addition to deliberating, jurors are also responsible for paying close attention to the proceedings in court and to alert the court if any issues arise during the trial. Jurors are also responsible for adhering to the rules of the court and maintaining proper decorum in the courtroom. In addition, jurors may also be asked to review any evidence presented and make recommendations to the court.