Maine Articles of Charter Surrender Upon Entity Conversion is a legal document that is filed with the state when an entity's charter is relinquished or surrendered. This document is often used when a business is converting from one entity type to another, such as from a corporation to a limited liability company (LLC). It is also used when a business is dissolving or closing. The document must contain certain information, such as the name and address of the entity, the date of the surrender, and the name and address of the person filing the document. The document must be signed by all members of the board of directors or the entity's governing body. There are two types of Maine Articles of Charter Surrender Upon Entity Conversion: Statutory Conversion and Non-Statutory Conversion. Statutory Conversion is when an entity converts to a new entity type as set out in the Maine Revised Statutes, while Non-Statutory Conversion is when an entity converts to a new entity type without any statutory guidance.