Maine Request For Issuance of Writ of Possession For Personal Property is a legal document used in the state of Maine to reclaim personal property that has been wrongfully taken, withheld, or otherwise wrongly possessed by another person or entity. There are two types of Writ of Possession For Personal Property: Residential and Commercial. The Residential Writ of Possession For Personal Property is a document that can be used by a landlord or an occupant of a residential rental property to reclaim personal property wrongfully taken from the property. The Commercial Writ of Possession For Personal Property is a document used by a business owner to reclaim personal property wrongfully taken from their business. The Request For Issuance of Writ of Possession For Personal Property must include the name of the person or entity who has possession of the property, the name of the person or entity who is seeking the Writ, the description of the personal property, and the reasons why the Writ is being requested. The person or entity seeking the Writ must also provide an affidavit that the facts stated in the Request are true. Once the Request has been approved by the court, the Writ of Possession For Personal Property will be issued, which will direct the person or entity in possession of the personal property to immediately give up possession of the property to the person or entity who requested the Writ.